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Zworld v4.5 released

profile avatar Norda
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Norda Posted 1634173322 (734 views)
๐Ÿ“Œ v4.5 - Thursday 14th of October 2021 02:59:43 AM

๐Ÿ“Œ Admin
Level UP constructions from the Eyes admin menu

๐Ÿ“Œ Gameplay
Backpack stored with content, content is no longer deleted
Only empty backpack can be stored in another backpack

๐Ÿ“Œ New map
gm_blackwoods2 add on the server 5, Server 5 is now public

๐Ÿ“Œ Optimisation
Reduce of 25% the size of Lua file to reduce the loading time

๐Ÿ“Œ Patch of 4.47
Patched the ban after a purchase from the merchant.
Suicide confirmation window
You are stuck button respawn you when you are really stuck to avoid the teleportation on hole of lock
The dead player who disconnects before homescreen menu, the corpse does not appear.
Apparently, server thinks that you "can not" drain fuel from car with started engine, but you "can" drain it, therefore draining fuel doesn't affect fuel storage at all (tested with friend, even though fuel draining is client-sided, it still counts as legit fuel, unlike ghost items)
Exploit #6: Map rendering exploit. By going in and out of the map, you can unrender the grass and bushes and gain a clear view on everything.
The grass only appears after the spawn
The environment fire of the maps are automatically switched on after 24h (Realtime)
Exploit #3: Fire problem. Client-sideness of the fire leads to usual desync between players. Also fire refreshes after reconnecting, so you can easily farm XP using fire.
Exploit #5: Lockpicking XP farming. Lockpicking mechanics are simple, no randomness, no damage to lockpick if you succeed. Therefore you can pretty easily farm xp by hands/macros.
Lockpicking, you only get the exp after successful hooking once per reboot
Fixed Construction Improvement level system is reset to 0 after server restart.
Patched when Dying in the homescreen when you use the command kill
Fixed possible Exploit: Speedhack possibility: There is no cooldown on "i'm stuck" option, therefore it is possible to spam it using script or some sort of lua hack to travel really fast. (cooldown is now 60secondes)
Skin glitch : When you kill zombie, and you see he was police officer only after his death.
Killing zombies by fire does not update "Zombie Kills" in the survivor's stats. (I even tested if reconnect will update the zombie kills)
Bug #16: You can open and eat can of tuna without can opener
Bug #18: ATM interface doesn't close on "cancel" button (harmless, but annoying)
Fixed Dropping a bag of soil or sand and taking it back makes it lose 1 in quantity
Bug #21: You can not fill a bag of sand. It has the same options as the bag of soil, any interractions with it results in filling/getting a bag of soil
Bug: The same bug where it happened in 4.11-4.13, where AI don't target me, stamina not regenerating/deteriorating
Unable to store the throwable items into your inventory from ground when inventory is full, but you have one type in your inventory.
Sometimes when going crawling, height does not update (Height updates if a footstep is taken)
When picking up an item then very quickly switching to a weapon (Opening weapon selection then selecting to a melee weapon or a firearm, then clicking twice quickly), there is a chance that you may be able to hold a gun and hold an item at the same time.
When any player dies on the server, anyone, who is holding an item in their hands are likely to automatically drop their item on hands.
Force Rename command does not work. I typed in name 'John Doe' then Valid, but nothing happened.
Corrected the flickering of plants when dynamic brightness is activated.
Fixed the glitch of continuous noise from a sliding object when an arrow is shot at the ground
Exploit #4: Speed refresh exploit. Basically, recovery after draining all the stamina sets your speed to default speed, no matter what your weight is.
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