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facesm and piotruks abuse on me

profile avatar SCP-049
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SCP-049 Posted 1602088993 (383 views)
this happened 5 minutes before i start writing so they were organising the server uninon city then one of them fiddled with commands i think and my whole backpack was deleted. I had an ak47 with 1000 ammo,3 monster energy drink,4 large water buckets,80sniper rifle ammo,547 nails
i asked them to return if they could then they replied no.
i was on my way to gun store to grab everything again then pioutruk picked me to gun store but then forgot about me and left me hanging on festival ropes (which cannot be jumped over and it will get you stuck) then i died of fall dmg losing 16 days of propgress just to enter top 50 and i didnt even made it to 50 im 67th now but like there was no need for you to pick me up there i was alredy going for gun store and im actually mad about this

i dont want to be mean and use slurs but you didnt even apologise after what you did. even if you did apologise i didnt see it in global chat

https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274314803/ piotruks steam profile
https://steamcommunity.com/id/FaceSM/ facesms profile links cuz idk how to link zworld accounts
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SCP-049 Posted 1602089112
i might have typed this into wrong section sorry its just im really sad about this right now.
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Norda Posted 1602105449
Hello its the good section to report the abuse.
Click on the button of the server called : Interface.

You can see the staff and its a server rented.

Soon the rented servers will have their own independent database and will not be attached to the openworld. This means that abuse will only have an impact on the survivor of the rented server.
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SCP-049 Posted 1602105623
Thx david but is there any way to get the survival days back? Or do I have to play again
It's not a problem if it does not happen again
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Norda Posted 1602106155
This is an error on the part of the staff of a rented server. I am not responsible. But I can do something for your current survivor.
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Norda Posted 1602106317
In global ranking you regiester 15 days. Not 16.
I restored the same survival time when you are dead accidentaly.
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SCP-049 Posted 1602134167
Thank you I really appreciate it I will close this discussion
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piotruklejewski Posted 1602428010
I wanted to tell, that I didn't do that. FaceSM did that, I didn't. Before nomad (SCP-049) died from fall, I didn't have CreatorMod on and I didn't even physgun him to Top Gun store.

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