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profile avatar Fal
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Fal Posted 1575582095 (1268 views)
So basically what happened was;

I was just on the server, farming to craft 556NATO rounds for my M4, then I just see people start to roll into the server,
then 30 minutes later I see B-Hopping(Victim w/ Nico,WarningRope6569 and me) & DeanDomino(suspect) arguing how Dean stole Hopping's Humvee,
to which I SAW that Hopp was in first.
Then Hopp & Nico tried to find Dean, which they did, but in between that some newbie stole my car & just drove off.. but that's not the case here.
As time was passing I went AFK for like 15 minutes and come back trying to find resources to fix up another car, and I just see this Orange Zonda chasing B-hopping's Humvee, in which time Dean was in.
Then a few more minutes pass, I'm going around in my new car out on outskirts and just killing zombies.
Then I go down by the Beach area, near the houses, passing the werehouse where I see Dean running from 2 guys, 1 was WarningRope, but the other I couldn't see the name of.
So I pass them, go down by the houses, turn back around to see them starting to open fire on eachother, so I just drove past really fast, posted up Near the werehouse, where I had a clear view hiding behind my car, dropping my M4 & taking out the M14, if anything happened to my Friends.
So I glanced at the chat and saw that Dean killed Nico FIRST, then Dean died by WarningRope.
Not too much longer, I was changing my M4 for AK47 because I don't want to waste the 5.56 rounds for 1 hit zombies from hordes.
I change out my M4>AK47, walk & run around to see if I'm too heavy to run from the horde, since I did have 700+ rounds on me.
Then when I was JUST about to drop a few 180 round boxes I just see particles off my chest or legs pop out, and in a second I died from.. Who else then Dean.
But the worst part of this WHOLE situation was I was NEVER involved in it, other then the posting up part, which he DIDN'T see, cause he died.
The whole Killfeed can be seen here > https://prnt.sc/q6tmn7 <.

I know this is my second time asking, but it's kind of a dumb wrong place wrong time situation, and I was wondering
if I could have a ressurrection just this one time.. I've grinded way too long for this character just to end up like this.
*Just these two.. Just to like.. yes!*
PS: I'm not removing the character for now, if the ressurrection can't happen I'll understand, but this is a pretty bull situation to loose a character to.

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Fal Posted 1575584272
It's all in one of the screenshots o3o
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Norda Posted 1575585079
The use of the text formatting language helps a lot.
Finally I looked at the logs.

Check it for the next time : https://zworld-afterlife.com/en/forum/report-an-abuse/read-me-before-your-repport/page-1
Lucie b
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Lucie b Posted 1575638065
Concerning my activity and my presence, I am more often there on weekends. On weekdays there are people working, you know. And maybe a life?
Then really sorry to have a life DeanDomino
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Norda Posted 1575646619
We solved the problem privately in a ticket. Feel free to read it. We remain Zen Emma. ๐Ÿ™‚


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