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Report of fuckin nothing

profile avatar Adam Grisson
Rep: ๐Ÿ’€Bandit
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Adam Grisson Posted 1598531615 (Edited) (1046 views)
Nothing really much to say about it, other than there are two people on a third server (currently gm_boreas), as it appears they are relatively recent into the gamemode (Profile links, and STEAM-ID's will be left at the end). Happened pretty recently, around twenty minutes ago (current date 27.08.2020, time is 15:32 GMT +03:00), a player has spawned into the server, (nickname: "Fucking nothing") by the Warehouse location, being attacked by a horde right off the start, and as I saw, he ran by the edge of the cliff straight at my location, trying to aim down sights at me, but being pinned down by a horde of zombies in a same time, which has forced him to surf down into the canyon, resulting his death. Then, this player proceeded to leave, and right after that another player has logged in (nickname: TENCENT_BOT_324), and disconnected immediately as soon as he joined. After that another friend of mine (Nickname: Cll) has logged in while my game crashed. What he texted me is: "Just exited my house and I'm being shot at in a same second" (Our messaging thread will also be attached in image format to this ticket)

P.S. I cannot provide any ingame screenshots, due to my genuine fear of losing my current survival record that I have on my character. As soon as I'd heard that there are hackers on a server, I just hit my disconnect key and told my friend to do the same thing. Also, I am not really certain that TENCENT is necessary a hacker, but the fact, that they both were in quite of a close distance from each other and "Fucking nothing" did not open fire on him, is making him suspicious too, perhaps not as a hacker, but a friend of one.

Profile links and STEAM ID

Zworld profile link: https://zworld-afterlife.com/profiles/76561198311531845

Fucking nothing
Zworld profile link: https://zworld-afterlife.com/profiles/76561198046084415

Me and my friend texting thread:




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