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Three nice guys or i finally can record Gmod.

profile avatar ymbpa5475
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ymbpa5475 Posted 1586355987 (510 views)
1. Server - Zworld#3 | Map - Gm_Fork.
2. Heisenberg - 76561198152058806. | Appolyon - 76561198878978835| Uzman ร‡avuลŸ Utku - 76561198200109282.
3. Here is the story, i joined the server and started looting stuff to sell it. Than these 3 guys walking near me, than started screaming (i mean they tried to speak wtih me but i dont understand what they want from me (they not speak on English), than someone broken my legs and i start defending, broken their legs and tried to stay away because they tried to block me and burn by Gascan weapon. After this they stopped and walk around (to heal i guess), and there the funniest part, finally they doesnt try to kill me and i start Recording, what do we see? i try to speak with them and they using Molotov cocktail on me, i disconnected to save character. Fin.
The video is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTkT2dPxWIk&feature=youtu.be
I only want they understand, they playing PvE server and playing Zworld, its not good to be Toxic. Trying to kill on PvE is not cool.
But, use the logs and you see chat messages like - ...i dont care...
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