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Clothing Repair

profile avatar Napalm
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Napalm Posted 1634219504 (238 views)
Personally, I have always interpreted the random Cold Protection value of clothing to tell me that the clothes are damaged.
Like how you can have 4 of the same shirt, but they give +3%, +2%, +10%, +7% Cold Protection.
However, you cannot repair them, why is that?

I think that if you have some Cloth and Duct Tape, you should be able to fix the clothing and increase it's Cold Protection value to a higher amount.
Depending on the type of clothing, this could be cheap or somewhat costly.

Repairing one of the various striped shirts that can give you a max of +10% Cold Protection should only cost a max of 4 cloth and 2 duct tape.
Repairing one of the rare Military clothing should cost maybe 10 cloth and 5 duct tape, due to it's quality and +50% Cold Protection.
That, and you always find Military clothing at +0% Cold Protection, which means it's always very torn up and ripped.

Seems reasonable to me that we should be able to repair clothes that we find, right? Maybe you can even add a sewing kit!

I also find it amusing that the Clothing merchant sells damaged clothes, lol.
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