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Henry DaSilva dairy 5

profile avatar Secret176
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Secret176 Posted 1580580408 (Edited) (719 views)
Day 71: We reached the city , the undead... god there were hundreds of them !!!. We had to stop the car outside the city. We entered the city by sewers... yeah sewers still we managed to get in the city that's the important thing.We took everything that was left... not much was left sadly but even what we found was good.
After we took everything what we could we gone home.

Day 72: Very very silent day... a storm may come soon... a storm a horde maybe our end...

Day 73: A huge horde came they get trough our defenses we had to refugee on the fucking roof. We waited there about 1 -2 days till the infected left.

Day 75: They left we climbed down and started repairing but... after a while we decided to leave and get to the radio station to try our luck.

Day 76: We reached the radio station. The radio was fucked it needed a battery so we took the battery from our car and installed it. We checked all the channels we found some potential people on channels 96 , 36, 41, 61. We checked 96.. that channel was about the horde where is moving. Channel 36 was about the weather. Channel 41 was about a war between 2 large groups The new world and The rising sun. Finally channel 61.

Day 77: We heard someone on the channel about the white forest resistance combines something... Strange a few people know about the war who was 20 years ago. May be Markus but I don't think so...

Day 78: We got someone speaking at channel 62 saying about the second white forest base safer than the first and because it was very close we went there.

Day 79: When we arrived at the location everything was destroyed looks like it wasn't safer than the first one I think.

Day 80: We went back to the radio station and fortified it because it was the best place.

Day 81: We stayed on channel 61 and we heard a lot of things about the white forest base 1 but we didn't got the location and for 1 sec I heard Markus voice... maybe I got crazy I don't know.

Day 82: I love Amy. She got sick. Of course I went to the city 20km away just to find medicine. Didn't had a lot of luck. I went to a village. I found the medicine but it was night and I can't drive at night because is just too dangerous and i'm alone...

Day 83: I arrived at the radio station and gave to Amy the medicine I hope she will get better.

Day 84: She is better thank god. I loved her all the day. Not in the pervert way I just had fun with her , fished cooked and many other things.

Seyit: How are you Amy ?
Amy: I'm good.
Muruvet: Thank god you are ok.
Amy: Yeah without Henry I wouldn't be ok.
Seyit: Yeah Henry you are a hero.
Muruvet: Seyit is right you are a hero you saved your love.
Henry: Silent
Amy: Henry ?
Amy: Henry !??
Henry: What??!!
Amy: What is wrong ?
Henry: I heard Markus voice more than once on channel 61 I don't think I am crazy. Do you think I am crazy ?
Amy: No.
Seyit: Nah
Muruvet: No way.
Henry: Only one way to find out... We need to find a microphone so we can speak.
Amy: How we gonna get one ?
Seyit: Military camps ?
Amy: Maybe ?
Henry: City hall... They must have one.
Seyit: Too risky.
Henry: Yeah but we have big chances.
Amy: Let's do this then.
Seyit: Yeah.
Henry: Sure let's do this.
Henry: Here's the plan. Seyit you will guard the main door. Muruvet you will help Seyit. Amy you will stay with me and scavange everything you see while I figure out how to get in the mayor office.
Amy: Sure thing.
Seyit: Ok
Muruvet: Good

====End of part 5 Henry DaSilva Dairy====
====Part 6 coming soon====
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 1
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 2
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 3
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 4
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 5
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 6
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 7
Henry DaSilva Dairy Part 8
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