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Markus DaSilva [True Dairy] January 17 - April 1

profile avatar Secret176
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Secret176 Posted 1649002250 (419 views)
Markus DaSilva

January 17 (The White Forest Settlement):
Our supplies are disappearing especially canned food and ammo. I don’t even want to say anything about batteries, we are pretty screwed up. We looted every city or house near the this forest. We also lost many people in scavenging missions.
Because I helped so much this community I have 2 days a week, when I can do whatever I want… like before, before this darn infection. I still remember a few things from my old life… For example I had a nice looking dark blue Ford Crown Victoria… it blew up last year sadly. I loved playing video games even if I was 25 years old War Thunder, Gmod, Stormworks all that kind of games. I also remember something…. meh you wouldn’t even care about her, if you read this I probably lost this dairy, again or I actually died.
Today it was my free day so yeah all day I watched the nature the sky the river it was very quiet and peaceful today.

January 18 (The White Forest Settlement):

Today nothing really happened I helped the farmers, gone fishing for a few hours, cooked some fish…
Something that must be noted is that Richard, a scavenger didn’t come back from it’s mission in the nearby village (I wonder how they still can find stuff after all these months of looting).

January 28 (The White Forest Settlement):

I was very busy the last few days helping the other people cut down trees, saw logs and all that kind of stuff, we are trying to build some cabins and we also stack wood for fire. That scavenger still didn’t came back so I think I will be dispatched to look after him in a few days… after all I am the one with most experience in surviving alone. Everyone calls me Secret because I kept my past a secret to everyone else…
I think that’s enough writing for today, I am too tired for this dairy.

January 29 (The White Forest Settlement):

As I said I was dispatched to search for that scavenger, I hope everything is ok out there. I will just prepare myself for today and tomorrow morning I will leave with the park ranger SUV.

February 1 (White Lake Village):

It was a tough day… Richard died sadly due to zombie spiders. They are some mutated cave spiders that throw acid. Though they are no match for my flares. I had to take a break and I hid in a random house. It’s too dangerous to stay in a vehicle at 10pm. Nothing happened in rest driving and killing some spiders, now I am cooking some canned beef… not my favorite but it’s ok, it’s better than canned fish, I hate canned fish it makes me sick every single darn time. Tomorrow I will head back to base.

February 2 (The White Forest Settlement):

Everything is so bad here due to a small horde 3 citizens died and 4 got infected. The main gate was breached, I had to park the car and keep it as a barricade. Sadly the indoor farms got destroyed in the process so no crops that means no food and that’s not good at all. If zombies don’t kill us we will starve. I am being sentimental right now so I remember about a girl… she was the most special girl I’ve ever met to be honest right now. We had a strange relationship, she started looking at me, I looked at her (at work of course) then we had very soft interactions and after a while she started ignoring me for no reason it was coincidentally 2 February what a damn day to be alive. Though a while ago I am still trying to remember the day, I started making her laugh talking with her a lot for the first time actually, from that day on she was very warm with me, she looked at me , smiled at me… I miss those days. Anyways I got to get back to work, we need to fortify the main gate before 11pm and now it’s 6pm so I got to hurry and help the other citizens

February 6 (The White Forest Settlement):

We managed to repair the gate. We have to use canned food from now on to survive, without a farm, the fruit trees won’t sustain us for long and the fish… it became pretty rare for some reason. Unless we eat cockroaches and worms we won’t really have a large supply of food so that means we need to rationalize as much as possible. Julia… that was her name, I miss her… Now all I have to do is rest because I worked so much that I really just want to sleep.

February 10 (The White Forest Settlement):

I am dispatched by the “high command” some ex military guys who think they are better than everybody else, to go scavenge the Rockford city… I am wondering what is left there to scavenge it’s been an year since the outbreak and I looted that city so many times… Anyways I got to do what the high command says. I will get ready for the mission today.

February 9 (Rockford city):

Took me 3 days to get here… As I said nothing left to loot, only rubbish and debris. I found a pen though. A few bullets but nothing else. I will continue my search tomorrow because now it’s too late to scavenge in a big city.

February 10 (Rockford city):

Nothing new, not even zombies they are so rare these days because they go in large hordes and leave cities and other places empty while they all swarm one place at a time and destroy everything there. I will return at the settlement. Wasted gas, damn it!

February 13 (Rockford city):

The high command was disappointed, but it wasn’t my fault at least. I got 1 day for relaxation at least for my efforts. I am tired of driving 3 days. I hate these kind of runs because I have to sleep in my car and it’s risky but I have no other choice. I just want to sleep.

February 24 (The White Forest Settlement):

These days were real quiet. Nothing happened except fishing, foraging, trying to farm even though it’s too late to start farming but the buildings were we farmed are so damaged that the cold doesn’t allow plants to grow up. I still remember that girl, she was so pretty though she is probably dead. Sad but true.
I got to get ready for another mission in Evo City, that’s a city I haven’t really visited a lot because it’s far far away, we have to use a boat to get there. That mission is going to start in 2 days so I should prepare myself for this long journey.

February 26 (Balea Lake):

We left the settlement a few hours ago. It’s foggy outside and it will rain very soon. In a few hours we will be near Evo City so I should rest. I wonder what we will find in that city. Let’s hope we won’t find survivors because I am tired of recruiting people and we don’t have enough food either.
This was the city where Julia was studying… to become a doctor because being a secretary wasn’t good enough for her… well I kind of agree she was too smart.

February 29 (Evo City):

Yesterday we just got in the city took us a day because it was foggy and we docked at a farther dock than the main dock of Evo City. Today we managed to find some basic survival items: flares, matches, an axe, even some medical supplies: painkillers, bandages. Happily we found some canned food but here is the twist it’s canned fish. I hate canned fish… I really hate. We are going back to our ship because we looted most of the outskirts and we have too much loot with us we must leave it back at our ship before we continue.

March 2 (Evo City):

We continued our journey in the city. We met some infected but not too many. We found some ammo for our guns and we passed near The Medical University of Evo City… flashbacks over flashbacks though couldn’t say anything because I am “Secret” I hope that she is alive but I also know she can’t be. We looted too much stuff from some safehouses we must return back to the ship and get back to our settlement.

March 8 (The White Forest Settlement):

Happy Women’s day!! I miss Julia even more today than ever. We celebrated our few women from the settlement with flowers and good food. The weather is better, it’s warmer and it’s sunny though I fear there is going to snow in a few days. I wonder where I have to go to scavenge soon… because the high command has some problems , internal problems and cannot decide what to do.

March 9 (Riverside):

It was an urgent order to go to Riverside to check an old safehouse. The safehouse was destroyed by the horde. The horde probably went west. I must inform the high command as soon as possible so I’d better stop writing and start driving.

March 17 (The White Forest Settlement):

3PM: I informed the high command about this 7 days ago. Everything is fine here. I got to start doing some work.
8PM: I don’t think I have much time left the horde destroyed the gate. They surrounded our city hall. I don’t think we can get out alive. I have a plan though we can climb on the city hall’s roof and jump on the rooftops and then jump over the fence and run in the forest for our lives and rendezvous at a specific location in The White Forest. Tomorrow is March 11th the day I started talking to Julia a lot… damn it zombies are at our doors and I am writing in a stupid dairy.

March 20 (Unknown cabin):

I woke up in a cabin near a familiar figure. An old friend of mine… Valeriosa… Now you wonder how I got here let me tell you:
That plan actually worked out but I fell in the river while fleeing because there were zombie dogs and sprinters. I lost most of my stuff but the dairy and the survival axe. I was found floating on a log near a coast of Southside city. I was rescued but it took me a few days to wake up because I hit my head hard in the tree branches and rocks while I was holding to that log.
We are going towards Southside because around that city there is a safezone an ex military base.
I wonder how I survived… I wonder if anybody else survived that disaster… I got some canned tomatoes though…

March 21 (Southside):

We found some locals and bought ammo, guns, medical supplies, and other kinds of survival items.
We cleared the hospital to earn some money, the police department. We also helped some farmers grow indoor crops . I found a god damn RPG… Don’t ask me why there was a RPG in a god damn house…
After a while of driving around Southside we decided to check the bank… By using the vents we got in the vault… easy 20k$ for each. We had to go to a secret place to stay overnight. It was a secret vault in a shop.

March 22 (Southside):

We looted a skyscraper… nothing too important in it sadly. Then we started helping other survivors even making fun of them because we had a RPG but yeah it wasn’t kind but it was fun seeing them look so scared.

March 23 (Missile Silo):

We are leaving this city and heading towards an old missile silo. There are rumors that it’s full of high end equipment but it’s sealed. We checked it out but it was sealed indeed. Until I used my RPG. Inside there was a lot of food and ammunition especially rockets. After we loaded up the pickup truck we left the silo and went to the local safezone for a drink.

March 24 (County Side Community):

This is a nice camp. They have some indoor farms, a lake nearby and a lot of food. Let’s hope the horde will never get here… We had to keep the items from the truck hidden and sealed off. Yes that is selfish but Valeriosa told me that the loot is for a newly established settlement.
I liked the food from this small community and the cocktails.
March 25 (Country Side):

We had to stop at a gas station in the middle of nowhere just to rest. We haven’t found any fuel or food but we found peace at least. There is still a long way till we get to that settlement Valeriosa spoke about. I miss my old guns… and my backpack but now I have a RPG so that’s a plus.

March 26 (Rosewood):

We stopped for some fast looting here. Everything has been taken though. Nothing left to scavenge. There were a lot of infected too but 2 shotguns and a few grenades took care of them. No survivors either…. What a sad city.

March 27 (Highway):

Back on the road… What a boring day… I remember more things from my past life. How many successes I had at school. How unlucky I was in love… How good I was in games even though there were better gamers than me.. I miss those old games such as HALO Combat Evolved, Samp, Swat 4, Swtor.

March 28 (Near the Pacific Ocean):

Apparently we are near the Pacific Ocean somewhere in California… Still we have to go a long way until we reach that settlement. I wonder what was Valeriosa doing in that northern region.

March 29 (Louisville):

An empty city but a large one. I think the infected are hiding in the buildings…. We didn’t take the risk so we continued driving. We are getting closer to that settlement.

March 30 (A new hope Settlement):

What a strange name, but the people here are kind. I guess this is going to be my new home. I think I am going to tell them the truth about me, I am tired of making false dairies like before telling a false story. If you read my other dairy, that’s a big false story. Most of the people here were from Evo City…
I got a nice room not too big not too small it could fit a sink, fridge, microwave, tv, table, couch, and some crates for storage. Time to sleep.

March 31 (A new hope Settlement):

The morning was boring but at the noon… Some scavengers got back. A guy which was very familiar and a girl that I couldn’t see until she left the loot from her backpack in the ration center. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing.
When she saw me, she also stopped from what she was doing and starred at me for a few seconds.
Then we talked to each other telling our stories, how did we get here. After all that I said that I missed her. She said the same thing…
We both got happier because we saw each other…

April 1 (A new hope Settlement):
Should I tell her the truth… Yeah sure. So I told the fact that I love her… She of course was happy and replied “I know”. We both got more flirty with each other since then… Wow didn’t thought I could be happy in the middle of the apocalypse.

*The dairy doesn't end here it will continue but for now that is what happened* *The other DaSilva dairies were made just to entertain the people from The White Forest Settlement.*
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Rep: 😐Neutral
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Secret176 Posted 1649002387
The story continues...
Rep: 💀Bandit
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Valeriosa Posted 1649125970
[A page rests near a abandoned humvee]

"If you are reading this, you are heading in the direction of my camp.
I would suggest not going further, or else you will face lethal force.
The people in this humvee learned it the hard way.
Although, some of you might know me.
If you do, leave a page near mine.
Especially Andrei and Nico."


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