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Note (Dying Man's Survival Guide, Pt. 2)

profile avatar B-Hoppin B
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B-Hoppin B Posted 1613350853 (501 views)
Rainstorm realy fucked things up for me, and I barely made it out. Slipped trying to cross a rooftop, and I'm damn sure my leg broke. Here's some important things to note about a break-

1.) It might not feel broken at first, and the way to really tell is by giving it a couple minutes, and checking the mobility on the limb. Though of course in my case, the sideways angle was a god enough indicator.
2.) Splints will help for healing properly, but you cant just splint the thing up and walk away. Only way out is with either improvised crutches, or in my case, crawling. If you have to be mobile with a broken leg- Keep your weight off it as much as possible.
3.) Chances are with a break, you're gonna be immobilized for a good long while, remember what I said about stashes and doubling back in the last page? That's why. You cant make it far, but within about a mile is doable if you're particularly able to tolerate pain- moving too much can extend the healing time though so try to have a place where you can lie low, with a stash or two nearby.
4.) If it breaks the skin, (by that I mean the bone), You're better off amputating the damned thing. Those kind of fractures are guaranteed to get infected, and it would just be easier to jury-rig a prosthetic or something of that kind, rather than try to work the bone back in or handle it from that point. But DO NOT attempt to cut the thing off yourself unless you want to pas out and die from blood loss. You'l have to find another person to help you- So hopefully you arent lone wolfing it when such a thing happens. If you are? Hope your booze survived the fall, because you wont. Drink up and make your peace with God.
5.) In emergencies, I've found that the contents of those IFAK styled Trauma Kits- The red ones? The contents of those can support a man enough to run and fight on a leg that isnt to horribly broken. Sure, it doesnt permanently fix it, but it can get you safe enough, keep you on your feet for a little while. Only use if you're absolutely out of other choices though- They're rare as all hell, and dont keep you up forever.

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Rep: ๐Ÿ‘Friendly
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Norda Posted 1613429238
Nice tips. :)
About "keep you up forever" just one thing
"keep you up forever" ๐Ÿ˜‰

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