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Seth Return P.2

profile avatar Seth Wilson
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Seth Wilson Posted 1635835123 (497 views)
Name: Seth Wilson

Status: DANGER

Day 7 - Had to get clear of the canals. With the cold coming in, I had to avoid it. Zero chance I would have been able to survive there especially when the growing size of the hordes. Also didn't feel good about the area after I started hearing more gunshots. Just hope it ain't those fucks from Pennsylvania. Damned cult of murderers and rapists. They better have all burned with the fire. I'm going to gear up and get my ass out of the canals TONIGHT. With any luck, the All-Father will get me there...
Night 7 - On route to Union City. Been a hot minute since I've been there. Gonna be taking the old Fork passage. If its still intact. Milk and Rudy were the only other people who knew where it was so... I guess anything could happen, and I could have to seal off that tunnel if the hordes follow me in. No telling how much these zeds have changed.

Day 8 - Just made it to Union. Trip was a fucking mess. Had to secure the tunnel because a horde showed up. No way I'm getting back through there. Gonna try and get back through the sewer system. I know a route through there. Just gotta hope I don't deal with any problems down there. I think I'll try to pay a visit to the gun shop. Maybe see if Rudy is still sheltered up above the Liquor store. Miss the guy big time. Especially after so long.
Night 8 - Shacked up in the old gun store. Seems like people are sheltering up there. They let me stock up and get back out there. Loaded me up and said to clear out a nearby garage. I'll get to that in the morning. Probably just gonna run some quick repairs on my equipment. Make sure I'm aces. Unfortunately, Rudy or Milk ain't here. Though I don't think they're dead... Those two are tougher then diamonds. They ain't gonna be put down any time soon... I hope.

Day 9 -Today seems good. Temperature has gone up a bit. Day is not good. Injured, some crazy bastard with a chainsaw slashed my leg. Barely got away, but I blew his head off with my shotgun. I tripped up and was wide open. I'm just glad he didn't strike somewhere vital. I'm hiding in the sewers. Getting my ass back to Fork once this heals.
Night 9 - I heard something down here. I'm watching the door. I don't feel safe at all. I haven't come this far to just fall now...

Day 12 - Heard something in the sewers again. Something big. I'm packing my shit and getting on the move. I did what I could for my leg, if I had to. I'll scarf down painkillers to keep myself on the move.

Seth - Injured. Union, on route to Fork.
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