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Torn Page (Dying Man's Survival Guide, Pt. 3)

profile avatar B-Hoppin B
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B-Hoppin B Posted 1622789374 (594 views)
Been awhile since I’ve had time to write anything down. Guess the real bitch of it is you have to have the time, or the safety to be able to record anything helpful. I’m somehow not dead, and frankly I have no idea how that’s the case. Had quite a few run ins with bandits, one with a housefire, three with arctic temperatures, and of course there’s been near no food all the while. Just the way things are supposed to be, eh? Back to the task at hand. Few more tips for making it in our lovely new world.

1.) Don’t ever take good weather for granted. If the skies are clear, temperature is high enough, and you’ve got time? Make the goddamn most of it. Morale is just as important as anything else, and without TV, Movies, or any kind of recreation… That depression’ll kill you faster than anything else. Take some time to relax if you’re safe enough. Fish, if you have the option. Read a book. Do anything to make life a little more tolerable while you’ve got the time.

2.) Candles. This may be redundant but the amount of times I see people leaving these things behind… I have to say it. Grab them. For god’s sake they’re more useful than they look. You never want to be stuck in a city sewer or a woodland cave and have no light. Batteries are rare, flashlights die, and you’re gonna wish you had even one candle with you when you hear shamblers coming to tear you to bits and you cant see them. Candle ain’t a searchlight but even the tiniest amount of light can be a lifesaver. Not to mention finding your way out if you manage to end up stuck somewhere. Even a book of matches saved my life a time or two.

3.) Ammunition. It might not seem like a good idea to grab any random bullets. They’re heavy and why would it matter if they cant be used in your gun, anyway? That’s the point of it, actually. Guns get lost and broken way more than you’d think. They’re not so simple to maintain, and even if you have the tools, most people don’t have the expertise. Better to have the option to find or trade for a new gun if you can. Grab every bullet, and toss it in your pack. You’re gonna thank me when that fancy ol’ m4 breaks and you have a decent stock of 12 gauge for any old pipe shotgun you can find lying around.

4.) Bear Traps. I’ve run into these a few times, and seen them used properly even less than that. Though really the ability to deny access to a select area is nice. If you’re the one setting ‘em up, put them at every entrance to where you’re settling. Make a mental note where they are. DON’T FORGET TO REMIND YOURSELF ABOUT THE LOCATION. Traps don’t discriminate who walks into them. Bandits, Zombies, or hapless survivors alike- Traps will stop or at least delay them getting to you or your stashes. They’re rare, but its worth it to hunt down traps to use.

Can’t think of much more for now… Gotta sleep. Been on my feet too long as it is. Gonna take a rest up in the radio tower outside town. It’ll be cold, but thankfully nobody really goes out that way. Hopefully I live long enough to write again…

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